SEO Trends That Will Matter Most In 2019

Seo Trends That Will Matter Most In 2019Of course, the search engine algorithm and SEO change rapidly – and important SEO trends in reality are not 4, but 40 or 400. And yet about the four most global ones

Optimization for long searches

The use of keywords with a long tail — that is, descriptive search phrases of at least three words — is becoming more and more promising with each passing month.

First, in voice search, in calls to Alexa, Siri requests with a long tail make up almost 100% – and the popularity of voice search mechanisms is growing in geometric progression.

Good SEO practice for voice search is the insertion of whole probable questions into the H1, H2, H3 page headers, into the formation of titles and meta descriptions around them.

In addition, it has been noted that fragments of special FAQ pages or frequently asked questions appear in the upper results after a voice search more often than others.

Secondly, the update of the main Google algorithm is believed to be associated with a more advanced ability to assess how sites comply with the EAT search standards.

These standards are directly related to the ability of your site to get exactly the answers – EATingable answers to the narrow questions asked by the search engine.

EAT assumes that at the top of the issue, there are informative and original posts (for example, in an online store or manufacturer’s blog), other extensive knowledge bases, useful and attractive video materials – and all this answers rather narrow, precise, and therefore long questions.

The best SEO strategy for sites related to trade or production for sale is to find a format that fits your industry and devote time to regularly submitting high-quality educational content, creating and optimizing it for requests with a long tail.

And, of course, not forgetting to divert from these publications internal links to other selling pages of your site.

Picture Credit: mohamed_hassan

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