How to fall in love with an audience in your brand with the help of social evidence [3 proven methods]
You give free valuable content to your audience, but sales still do not grow? So this is not enough!
It’s time to make drastic changes …
The fact that you create long-term relationships with your customers is already good. But having read your articles in a blog or having received free of charge serious value, the person subconsciously searches for the reasons of greater trust to you and your brand. You can take advantage of this by providing him with additional social proof.
One of the standard psychological principles of persuasion works here. People look at the actions of others and listen to their opinion to determine their own behavior.
And it’s cool!
In our time to provide high-quality social proof of the audience is very simple. We will analyze the main ways that you can implement right now.
1. Make employees representatives of the brand
No, no, you do not need to give your employees more authority. Just ask your specialists to publish a few posts a week in their social networks related to your company. This allows you to “revitalize” your brand.
You show the audience that there are real real people behind the business who can be trusted. Reading news about the company on the wall of one of your Facebook employees, a potential client subconsciously begins to trust your brand more. Sometimes such news is perceived much better than the standard entry in a corporate public or group.
How to make so that employees wrote messages about the company:
- Ask the employee to share his opinion about the new workplace in social networks when applying for a job.
- Arrange a competition within the team. Offer valuable prizes to the most active employees.
Create the right (!) Culture of the company. In this case, your people themselves will want to write about the brand in their profiles.
The culture of the company is one of the most important factors within GM. Members of the team want to write posts with a mention of the brand, and it’s cool.
2. Cooperation with the “authorities” of your niche or the customers themselves
Content marketing and social proof are very closely related. You can use this to generate more confidence in the audience.
Option 1. Cooperation with famous players in your niche
Have you already studied your indirect competitors? Businesses that are thematically associated with your project? It’s time to turn them into partners!
Agree with successful entrepreneurs in your topic about a joint webinar.
Ask them to make posts about your company in their social networks.
Post articles on behalf of your brand in their blogs.
There are a lot of cooperation options. It should be understood, it should be mutually beneficial. Perhaps in the first stages will have to work on a fee basis.
Option 2. Cooperation with customers
Choose the most active people among your customers and make case studies with them. Take an interview in text or video format. Ask the person to tell what you were useful, what results were helped to achieve and so on. Depending on your niche.
Of course, you can use both options. Make special emphasis on specific cases if you are at the beginning of the journey. And keep on regularly replenishing your rubrics with new stories.
3. Use social networking widgets on the pages of your sites
This is perhaps the simplest and most obvious way that many entrepreneurs still do not use. Social networks are a natural habitat for modern society. People are used to trusting what others like in social networks. This is the result of the “Like” button on Facebook.
Set the button “likes” from popular social networks: Facebook, Google+, Twitter. A person can express their opinion about your article by simply clicking on one of the buttons.
Other readers, looking at the number of “I like” markers, understand how good the content that they are going to get. Needless to say, the more “likes” on the pages of the site, the more confidence your brand brings to the audience.
If you just started developing your site, it might be worth installing buttons without counters. So people get used to putting “likes”. And when the audience increases, immediately activate the counters. Remember that a person should directly indicate which button and why he should click. Without calls to action, you collect an order of magnitude less marks.
Image Credit: TheDigitalArtist