It seems that we are approaching a big breakthrough in the field of Internet speed, because although the current speed allows you to comfortably use the network, it can always be better.
At least, this is evidenced by research published in the journal Nature Communications, and conducted by Australian scientists who claim that they have developed an easy-to-use technology in existing networks, which significantly accelerates the speed of Internet technologies. In their opinion, it is enough to change the structure of the fiber a little to get amazing results.
We currently use simple optical fibers grouped in bundles in which light moves, reflected from their inner glass walls, and, according to the researchers, it would be much better if they included a human DNA model – creating a measurement for light pulses called the level of the orbital pulse of light or rotation, and, as a result, it would speed up the Internet speed by 100 times.
According to Professor Min Gu from RMIT University, the author of the study: – It can be compared to DNA consisting of a double helix. The more pulses you use, the more information you can move. The scientist understands that Americans have already invented fibers that can, but only his technology has a chance to be widely used, because its bundles, like the classic optical fiber, have the thickness of a human hair.
So, when can we expect the new fiber optics to be implemented in practice? And here difficulties begin, because, firstly, the currently available devices are not ready for this, therefore, even if we decided to use a new network, the speed may be limited due to their current throughput. And for such communication decisions of this scale, a lot of testing and acceptance is required from equipment manufacturers and network providers.
According to a representative of the National Broadband Network, an Australian government program aimed at creating a national broadband network that is considering upgrading its copper network with the decision of Professor Gu: – New communication technologies are constantly being tested in laboratories for many years before they are commercialized. In addition, they require the general agreement of equipment suppliers and network operators, who must be ready to implement them.
What does this mean for us? More or less that there is a chance for the Internet to get such a high speed, but this should not be expected in the near future.
Picture Credit: geralt