Google Ads is a marketing tool that brings real return on investment and revenue. Are you wondering how to promote an online store? Is Google Ads a good solution for the e-commerce industry? What features of Google Ads can you use when promoting an online store? What activities to focus on? Which of them will bring the desired results?
Online store marketing has one goal
Online store marketing has one main goal, it is primarily sales. Sales and preferably high-margin products, maximizing the number of conversions, and at the same time minimizing the cost of obtaining a lead. The promotion of the online store focuses on: increasing the number of visitors and increasing the number of buyers, focuses on conversions. The goal is to turn visitors to a website that actually purchases them. Google Ads is doing well with this.
How to promote an online store, thanks to Google Ads
The most tailored e-commerce campaigns are product campaigns. They allow displaying photos of the products with a short description, price and website address. Such a product advertisement appears at the very top of the search engine and allows the user to focus strongly on the assortment of the store. Ads of products with photos are much more often clicked, mainly due to the attractiveness and specific information that the customer sees. It’s good to include not only the photo itself, but also the price or the name of the store and the brand. This precise information allows us to find a person who is really interested in our product and is rather determined to buy it. An additional advantage of shopping for a product is its settlement – we pay for clicks. In the case of product ads with a presentation function, we pay when the client develops the ad and either clicks on it or does not close the development until 10 seconds. So we can be sure that the user saw our message. For advertisements of catalog products available locally, the cost is measured by interaction. Calculating the costs of shopping campaigns is based on the number of people who have certainly met or interested in the advertisement, which is beneficial to us as an advertiser. Keep in mind that Google Shopping can not promote services, it is a tool for presenting products.
Re-marketing to abandoned baskets
Re-marketing is an extremely effective method. It allows you to reach people who were interested in the store’s offer. The problem of abandoning shopping carts is quite large, but it is not really clear what exactly causes the customer to stop the transaction at any given time. Perhaps someone interrupted him, the Internet stopped working, he was terrified by the cost of shipping, or maybe a competitive offer arrived. The most important thing is to come back to that person, remind her about the products, about our brand. That’s why online store marketing and re-marketing go hand in hand. There are various re-marketing options in Google Ads. In the case of the e-commerce industry, it is good to target the list of customers. We can use Google Analytics to create a list of people who left the shopping cart and load this customer data into Google Ads and then communicate to specific users through various ads on Google services. Dynamic remarketing also works great in the case of an online store, because it automatically displays in real-time the user of products that he previously viewed on our site. Remarketing is a good way to discard baskets. However, it is necessary to thoroughly analyze such a campaign to bring the desired effects, not to raise negative feelings for the client and for specific messages to be displayed to selected people. The assumptions of the advertising campaign are crucial. Google gives us opportunities, but using them one should remember about the meticulous design of communication to the customer.
Online and mobile store marketing
Online sales do not exist without the mobile market. It’s impossible to hide that mobile dominates. Your client looks at his smartphone several hundred times a day, it is worth using and communicating to him. Google Ads allows you to display mobile ads in search results, on YouTube, in applications and on responsive websites. The advertiser can use text, image and video ads. Use it! Create a campaign only for mobile devices or increase the rates for mobile campaigns. By configuring a mobile bid adjustment, you increase the likelihood of your messages being displayed on smartphones of potential customers. Thus, increasing the chances of success of the campaign.
Other ways of promoting thanks to Google Ads
Google Ads allows a comprehensive approach to online store marketing. Standard search ads will also work for the e-commerce industry, but it’s worth using the various options that Google offers. Online ad extensions are recommended for text ads. In the case of many products – providing a price can also be an effective customer invitation to a website. The extension options in Google ads are not extra paid, so you should experiment with them and see which solution works best.
How to promote an online store with Google Ads? Utilizing most of the options that Google offers. It is very important not to get lost with the campaign, rationally think about its goals and the tools that we will use. Online store marketing in Google Ads requires a well-thought-out communication strategy, implementation and, above all, continuous optimization.
Picture Credit: Mediamodifier