Entrepreneurs and marketers have long known that the time has passed when, for the success of the project, it was sufficient to first do, optimize the site, and then simply purchase links. And with the true quality of the site did not bother, but proceeded from their own ideas, which site should be (perhaps with red letters on a green background and a cheerfully flashing animation). One programmer, the budget for the purchase of links and the goal – the location of the site in the TOP – is achieved. And the market was saturated, the search engines were clever and the old methods turned out to be not only inefficient, but harmful. Sites under filters, site owners in thought – how to re-deploy the business in full growth on the Internet? A simple solution is to order a new website. Here are just the results of the weak, the site is not on the first or even the second page of the issue.
Everything has changed: the site should be useful and interesting to the user, literate in terms of search engines, the goal of “being in TOP” was mutated in “to increase sales”. And this requires a completely different approach when promoting the site.
Therefore, if you are aimed at getting customers and selling from the first day of launch, you need to approach the issue of creating a website intelligently. First you need to answer the question: why do you need a site – “site for the sake of the site” or “a site that represents the company and is useful to the user”?
If you need a modern useful resource, then you should consider the following way:
- Setting of the project objectives, analysis of the competitive niche and target audience.
- Definition of the marketing plan.
- Designing a resource architecture.
- Choosing a CMS and creating a website.
- At the stage of development of the site already connect SEO. Then the output will be an optimized site, ready for further promotion.
- In other words, the right approach is not to make a “site for the sake of the site”, but to create a quality online display of your business.
- To get positive dynamics of the project, you need to work in different directions, really improving the site. Attention should be given, among other things, to developing the convenience of navigation and visual perception, the convenience of contact forms, the logical and intuitive elements of the sales funnel (in comparison, add to the basket, purchase formalities).
Why is SEO at the development stage?
The bottom line is to do everything right and qualitatively from the very beginning. The site needs to be created taking into account the requirements of the search engine to Internet resources, making them understandable to search robots and useful users. Optimization of the site at the development stage, with the coordinated work of specialists of the two directions at the output, makes it possible to get a quality high-quality site ready for SEO-promotion and launch of contextual advertising campaigns.
Why still connect SEO in the process of creating a new resource?
When you want to create a new site, but do not lose the work of the outdated. SEO specialist will help to do this competently with minimal traffic sagging, which will return to the previous level in a short time after the transfer and reindexing of the site (transfer the “history” of the old site). From experience: the payment for specialist work is lower than the cost of activities to achieve the same level of traffic in case of incorrect transfer. Not to mention the loss of time, which is more reasonable to spend on increasing the volume of traffic and conversion of the resource.
When you are already faced with the situation of endless corrections, corrections of errors and shortcomings in the work of an existing site, when an SEO specialist recommends “reshaping” the current site to improve its effectiveness. After all, I want to get a finished product as a result, which will attract target users and convert them!
To sum it up, if in the process of developing a new site to connect SEO and correctly work out important moments of internal optimization, then after the launch of the project, traffic growth and output to the first issuance positions will be noticeably more dynamic. The search engine literally from the first indexing will evaluate the quality of the resource and will recommend it as useful to visitors. Provided that the site is developed taking into account SEO recommendations after the project is launched, specialists are engaged directly in promotion: analytics, work with internal, external and behavioral factors and work to increase the conversion of the pages.
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