The 6 Basic Components Of A Strong SEO Strategy For E-commerce Websites

SEO Strategy For E-commerce WebsitesThe correct search engine optimization is, apparently, the main strategy that can help the owners of online stores create a successful business. However, the algorithms of search engines are constantly changing (it is enough to recall the launch of “Penguin” and the upgrade of “Panda”), and now online retailers are forced to study the mechanisms of the action of search engines. Owners of virtual counters should make sure that their techniques are not outdated and that the keywords of their websites are relevant to the required queries.

If you want search engines to highly rank your site, offer you six main components of a successful SEO strategy.

  1. Keywords. Keyword research is the first step to the right SEO strategy. To succeed, you need to study the queries that people enter into search engines to search for a particular product or service. If you manage to find the right keywords, then you will attract traffic to your site for the requested queries. Arrange a “brainstorm” to determine the correct keywords (you can use the Google AdWords Keyword Tool as an assistant). If you notice that some keywords are too often used in your business, expand the phrases, make longer queries (two to five words) that would be convenient for search engines. The longer the phrase, the less you will have competitors in a particular request.
  2. Meta element. They also play a very important role in SEO. If you type any query in the search engine, you will see how it will be reflected in the title of this Internet page. Google studies the title of your page and determines its relevance. The same goes for Description.
  3. Content. It’s true, content taxis. Quality content is not only the best way to promote the query for keywords. It also creates a positive attitude to you from the customers. Good content teaches, educates the consumer and simultaneously increases your credibility. No doubt, good, high-quality content will increase your sales.
  4. Links that lead to your site. Remember: it is important not how many links contains a particular site, but how many quality links leading to it. You can create such links by sending your press releases to companies of interest to you. Also, offer your materials to the authors of popular blogs. Try to create the best site in your field, and then people, when discussing your product or service, will themselves place links to your resource. Fill the site with such quality and interesting content that bloggers and news sites themselves refer to your site.
  5. Social networks. Since the birth of social media, the algorithms for their actions have changed. Many sites are user-oriented: for example, entered a vote, according to which users chose the main material of the day. Therefore, commercial companies should be present on such sites as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc. In addition, this is a signal for search engines, hinting at the authority and influence of the firm.
  6. Pictures. If you think that the pictures on the site do not mean anything, you are mistaken. When users search for a particular product in the search engines, they also look at the results in the image search. Put on your site quality illustrations of the goods that you sell, and be sure to include keywords in the captions to them, and then the pictures will take advantageous places in the issuance of search engines. This will attract additional traffic to your site.

In addition to these six recommendations, you can add the following. Analyze the business of your competitors and try to find out which strategies they are using. Learn their ways of optimization (including offline and social networks). And even if it turns out that you are doing about the same, you will receive very important information if you watch your rivalry from the side.

Read more news and tips from the leading SEO company blog

Image credit: geralt

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