Many believe that all ways to increase site traffic are paid. In fact, this is not the case, and there are methods to increase attendance, which do not require any costs. If more people come to your site, it will have the best rating, good visibility and revenue. Consider ways to increase traffic.
- Writing articles is one of the most effective ways to increase traffic. There are many free sites on which you can find a wide variety of articles.
- Writing comments on blogs is also a good way to increase attendance. Leave comments you can only on sites of the same subject as your resource. You must leave meaningful and relevant comments.
- Bookmarks in social networks – another way. Among the most common social networks is:
Google +
- Create a fan page for Facebook. This is a very simple and free way to increase attendance.
- Advertising on Facebook helps to increase direct traffic.
- YouTube is a free online marketing tool, the second largest search engine.
- Offer your buyers a discount if they recommend your resource to their friends.
- Communities on Facebook – a free tool to increase traffic. You can join communities of the same subject as your site, and post on them records from your site and links.
- Register on the forum. You can not only become an expert in your business, but also gain confidence from the rest of the participants.
- Ebay also helps you increase attendance. Having registered on this site, you need to fill in a profile page on which you can safely advertise your resource.
- Print your site’s advertising in your local newspaper.
- Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most effective methods to increase traffic. Use keywords and place high-quality content on your site.
- Back links will help you attract organic traffic to the site.
- Guest posting will not only increase attendance, but also will prove your brand well. Here you can find many sites with a high rating on which guest posting is allowed:
- By investing in e-mail newsletters, you will attract hundreds of visitors.
- Clickbank will help you advertise the product and increase traffic. You will need to use the affiliate marketing service. Managers will engage in advertising, which will bring most of the traffic to your site.
- Flickr is a free tool for attracting visitors. Anyone who uses the image through your account must go to your site.
- Create a blog and you will be able to attract traffic.
- Register on websites where users ask questions. If you give specific answers and will prove yourself as a specialist in your field, then the confidence in you and, accordingly, the attendance of your site will increase.
- Use podcasts – their popularity is increasing every day.
- Using RRS-channels, you can create backlinks, as well as increase your position in the issuance. Accordingly, the attendance of your site will increase.
- Web 2.0 sites have huge traffic. They will help you increase attendance. Here are some of them: and others.
- When signing emails, specify the address of your website.
- Create your business card and print the website address on it.
- Make your site more visible and add it to the search engine. Most popular search engines:
Alta Vista and others.
- Advertise your site on outsourcing resources. Offer your product to different countries.
- Make your site interactive. Add a “Comment” field so that each user can join the discussion. Do not forget to respond to every comment – Google welcomes interaction.
Picture Credit: Serpstat